Keep Learning

函式这个概念也许承载了太多的数据量。不过别担心,只要坚持做这些练习,对照上个练习中的检查清单检查这次练习的关联,你最终会明白这些内容的。 有一个你可能没有注意到的细节,我们现在强调一下,函式里面的变量和脚本里面的变量之间是没有连接的。下面的这个练习可以让你对这一点有更多的思考:

def cheese_and_crackers(cheese_count, boxes_of_crackers)
  puts "You have #{cheese_count} cheeses!"
  puts "You have #{boxes_of_crackers} boxes of crackers!"
  puts "Man that's enough for a party!"
  puts "Get a blanket."
  puts # a blank line

puts "We can just give the function numbers directly:"
cheese_and_crackers(20, 30)

puts "OR, we can use variables from our script:"
amount_of_cheese = 10
amount_of_crackers = 50
cheese_and_crackers(amount_of_cheese, amount_of_crackers)

puts "We can even do math inside too:"
cheese_and_crackers(10 + 20, 5 + 6)

puts "And we can combine the two, variables and math:"
cheese_and_crackers(amount_of_cheese + 100, amount_of_crackers + 1000)





$ ruby ex19.rb
We can just give the function numbers directly:
You have 20 cheeses!
You have 30 boxes of crackers!
Man that's enough for a party!
Get a blanket.

OR, we can use variables from our script:
You have 10 cheeses!
You have 50 boxes of crackers!
Man that's enough for a party!
Get a blanket.

We can even do math inside too:
You have 30 cheeses!
You have 11 boxes of crackers!
Man that's enough for a party!
Get a blanket.

And we can combine the two, variables and math:
You have 110 cheeses!
You have 1050 boxes of crackers!
Man that's enough for a party!
Get a blanket.


  1. 倒着将脚本读完,在每一行上面添加一行注解,说明这行程式的作用。
  2. 从最后一行开始,倒着阅读每一行,读出所有重要的符号来。
  3. 自己边写出至少一个函式出来,然后用十种方法运行这个函式。